I know this is a shot in the dark… but my daughter is devastated because she lost the matching earring to this. My mom had given them to her, and they are very special to her. 😕
She was riding her bike all day yesterday on the Armstrong Trail between Ford City and Rosston. We know it’s not likely, but if anyone happens to see it, please let me know!
Source: www.facebook.com/shana.s.…

I know this is a shot in the dark… but my daughter is devastated because she lost the matching earring to this. My mom had given them to her, and they are very special to her. 😕
She was riding her bike all day yesterday on the Armstrong Trail between Ford City and Rosston. We know it’s not likely, but if anyone happens to see it, please let me know!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/…
- Lost
- Found